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This paper covers the study of the constitutional legal status of the President of the Russian Federation, its elements and special aspects that are not articulated or poorly articulated in the current Russian legislation. The author defines the concept of “the status of the President”, makes an attempt to distinguish the concepts of “status”, “legal status”, and “constitutional legal status” and to determine proper terminology. The approaches to the understanding of the status’s elements are analyzed and substantiated. The paper contains the actual list of the elements of the constitutional legal status of the RF President developed within the constitutional law doctrine. The author considers the powers, functions, and guarantees of the implementation of activities of the RF President and studies the procedure of their acquisition and loss. The paper tells of the co-relation of the status of a Presidential candidate and the status of the RF President, gives the positive examples of the evaluation of the constitutional legal status in the foreign legislation and suggests considering in details the elements offered by the juridical science and making some amendments to the national law. The regulatory basis, diversified in its structure and content and confirming the status of the RF President, is studied and its imperfection is highlighted. The author observes the necessity to create a single regulatory legal act reflecting the entire powers of the President, his responsibility, guarantees of the implementation of his activities, the procedure and the basis for the acquisition of the constitutional legal status of the RF President, as well as the procedure and the basis for its loss and other conceptual issues of the status of the RF President. The conducted study allows identifying the main gaps and problems in the sphere of confirming the constitutional legal status of the President of the RF and offering their alternative solutions. 

About the authors

Nelly Igorevna Borodina

Togliatti State University, Togliatti

Author for correspondence.

lecturer of Chair “Constitutional and administrative law”

Russian Federation


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