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The Concept of the development of the penal enforcement system of the Russian Federation until 2020, as one of the main tasks, specifies the reducing of the repetition of crimes among the persons serving sentences. In this regard, the great scientific and practical importance is given to the problem of the prevention of the recurrent crimes and delinquencies of the minors sentenced conditionally which occupy the important place in the activities of psychological services of the institutions and bodies executing the sentences without isolation from the society.

The prevention of the recurrent crimes and delinquencies of the minors sentenced conditionally serves as the priority direction of the improvement of the activities of the corrective services (hereinafter-CS) of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia. Today, the CS of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia, being a part of the general system of prevention of crimes and delinquencies of minors, should create the necessary conditions for their successful resocialization in order to form the readiness of an adolescent for self-development, self-determination and the responsible attitude towards their life as well as the desire for lawful behavior.

The paper substantiates scientifically the results of the experimental probation of the program of prevention of the recurrent crimes and delinquencies of the minors sentenced conditionally. The author offers the mechanism for the organization of the effective functional cooperation of the psychologists of the corrective service of FPS of Russia with the civil psychologists (psychotherapists), reveals the problematic aspects of their joint activities in the psychological support of different categories of the minors sentenced conditionally. Based on the analysis of the questionnaire survey of the minors sentenced conditionally, the evaluation of the effectiveness of civil psychologists is carried out, the results of which demonstrate the formation of the prosocial values in the pursuance of lawful behavior – 35.7 % of the minors as well as the emergence of the desire to find a job – 21.6 % of the minors. The results of the implementation of the proposed program are reflected in the findings allowing stating that the involvement of civilian specialists-psychologists in the provision of the psychological assistance to the minors sentenced conditionally, promotes the optimization of the activity of psychological services of the CS of FPS of Russia by means of the rational allocation of human resources in the sphere of prevention of the recurrent crimes and delinquencies of the minors sentenced conditionally.

About the authors

Elena Aleksandrovna Dyadchenko

Samara Juridical Institute of Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia, Samara

Author for correspondence.

PhD (Psychology), senior researcher of the Organizational-Scientific and Editorial-Publishing Department

Russian Federation


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