REVIEW of the textbook of Professor Ivan Andreevich Ivannikov “The Theory of State and Law: Contemporary Problems”

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The textbook of Professor I.A. Ivannikov “The Theory of State and Law: Contemporary Problems” is being reviewed. This textbook contains both the key traditional issues on the program in the theory of state and law and the topics being outside the traditional general academic program. The reviewer highlights the advantages of the study concerning the issues of defining the concepts of state and law, constitutional state, state and law forecasting, the co-relations of law and morality, law and strength, law and justice, the analysis of law policy and lawful life, lawmaking, etc. The author recognizes the study’s value and significance for the students, postgraduate students, and lecturers of the juridical higher educational institutions.     

About the authors

Tatyana Aleksandrovna Zolotukhina

Taganrog Institute of Management and Economics, Taganrog

Author for correspondence.

Doctor of Sciences (Law), assistant professor of Chair of Theory and History of State and Law of Law Department of   PEI HE “Taganrog Institute of Management and Economics”

Russian Federation


  1. Ivannikov I.A. Teoriya gosudarstva i prava: sovremennye problemy [Theory of State and Law: Contemporary Problems]. 2nd ed. izd. obnovlennoe. Taganrog, Yuzhnyy federalnyy universitet Publ., 2018 354 p.

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