About the authors
Saint-Petersburg State University, Saint-Petersburg
Author for correspondence.
Email: gos_pravo@jurfak.spb.ru
head of the Department of state and administrative law, Professor, Professor, doctor of legal Sciences
Russian Federation
Saint-Petersburg state University, Saint-Petersburg
Email: tr_pravo@jurfak.spb.ru
Professor of labour law and labour protection, Professor, doctor of legal Sciences
Russian Federation
Saint-Petersburg state University, Saint-Petersburg
Email: theory@jurfak.spb.ru
associate Professor of the Department of theory and history of state and law, associate Professor, candidate of legal Sciences
Russian Federation
Saint-Petersburg state University, Saint-Petersburg
Email: gos_pravo@jurfak.spb.ru
Deputy for academic and extracurricular Affairs of the first Vice-rector for academic, extracurricular and educational work–the head of Department on organization of reception
Russian Federation