• Authors: Zatonskiy V.A.1, Kobyzev D.V.2
  • Affiliations:
    1. Volga Region Institute (the brunch) of All-Russian State Juridical University (RLA (Russian Law Academy) of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation) in Saratov, Saratov
    2. The 4th Air Force Faculty (Balashov) of the Krasnodar Higher Military Pilots Air Force Academy, Balashov
  • Issue: No 3 (2017)
  • Pages: 5-9
  • Section: Articles
  • URL:
  • ID: 180

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The authors of the article give conceptual and essential analysis of social reality and scientific category which is “governmental living of the society”. Being included in the legal life, the state becomes in varying degrees, legal, legitimate, legal, democratic, that is, legally, real. Outside the legal life, it becomes divorced from society a formality. Public life cannot be reduced only to the state and its structures. This is a comprehensive category, reflecting the quality status of the state-organized society, with its national-spiritual nature and specifics of the national-cultural orientation; the phenomenon of the specific historical. Public life can be presented as a functional part of a security mechanism of socio-legal life. In turn, the legal life is designed a certain way to get the state life.

As the factor having the most effective influence on the public life of modern Russia is considered administrative reform. How efficiently organized public administration, as law-abiding and efficient working of its institutions depends on the quality of public life. In other words, law as a tool of regulation has deliberately and consistently aligns with their needs all aspects of the state apparatus, especially the vital and the most active part of the Executive branch. All items, stages and all the important content is held in Russia administrative reform should lead to the strengthening of the legal state, or to further establish attributes of a legal state in the law that may occur as a result of planned administrative reforms.

About the authors

Viktor Aleksandrovich Zatonskiy

Volga Region Institute (the brunch) of All-Russian State Juridical University (RLA (Russian Law Academy) of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation) in Saratov, Saratov

Author for correspondence.

candidate of history sciences, associate professor of the chair of state and legal disciplines

Russian Federation

Dmitriy Vladimirovich Kobyzev

The 4th Air Force Faculty (Balashov) of the Krasnodar Higher Military Pilots Air Force Academy, Balashov


Tutor of the Tactics and Common Military Subjects Department

Russian Federation


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