The article studies the historical aspects of the transformation of forms of statehood in Russia and foreign countries. The transformation that took place in Ancient Rome, England during the transition from the Middle Ages to the New Time, the United States of America in the struggle for independence, as well as France during the revolutionary and post-revolutionary period, is taken as a basis for studying the changes in the elements of the form of the state in foreign countries. The author shows that the changes occurred in connection with the need to respond to changes in the socio-economic and political conditions of the functioning of society. The conclusion is made that basically the transformation of the form of government was carried out: it could change from monarchical to republican and vice versa, and also acquire mixed features. Often, the political regime also changed, but this could also happen within the framework of the existence of one form of government. The author believes that the approbation of certain models of the state structure in the future became a model for the creation of similar relations in other states. The article proves the uniqueness of the development of the form of Russian statehood, when selecting the elements of which in the evolution process, almost all of their variants were involved. The author reveals that in different periods in our state the monarchical or republican rule became fundamental, the relations with the regions were based on the principles of classical and decentralized unitarism or federalism, and the methods of exercising power changed from democratic and authoritarian ones to totalitarian ones.