No 3 (2024)

Full Issue

Equality and justice as the basis for unification of the right of citizens for an insurance labor pension

Kozhevnikov R.O., Vershinina S.I.


The differentiation of the right of citizens of the Russian Federation for an insurance labor pension by gender provided for by the current legislation raises questions in civil society due to the discrepancy between the norms fixing different retirement ages for men and women, the principle of equality guaranteed by the Constitution of the Russian Federation, and ensuring social justice in society. One of the reasons is that a significant proportion of men do not live to the 65-year retirement age fixed by law. Analyzing the current legal norms and comparing them with statistical data and the results of law enforcement indicating a clearly unfair standardization of these relations, the authors offer their own vision of solving the existing problems. The authors substantiate the conclusion on the necessity to unify the right of citizens for an insurance pension by establishing a common retirement age of 60 years for men and women for the period of solving the main demographic problems in the state and creating conditions for increasing life expectancy. At the same time, emphasizing the special role of women, the authors propose to include legislatively the time associated with the birth and upbringing of children in a woman’s insurance experience, regardless of whether a woman had previous employment relationships and insurance experience. It should be done to create a favorable regime for the formation of women’s insurance experience and ensure formal equality with men.

Jus strictum. 2024;(3):5-11
pages 5-11 views

Legal personality of officials of the prosecution authorities in criminal proceedings

Korchagina K.A.


In modern criminal procedural science, there is no doubt that the prosecutor and subordinate prosecution officers are participants in criminal proceedings. Separate disputes arise only when discussing the issue of classifying the prosecutor as a party to the prosecution. At the same time, the role and functions of officials of the prosecution authorities in criminal proceedings are not so obvious and unambiguous. Although Part 1 of Article 37 of the Code of Criminal Procedure of the Russian Federation assigns the functions of supervision and criminal prosecution to the prosecutor, the heads of the prosecution authorities and the employees subordinate to them do not always pursue these goals, and officials of the prosecution authorities do not always act in the status of a prosecutor or public prosecutor. Analyzing the current norms of criminal procedural legislation and comparing them with the actual legal personality of prosecutorial employees entering into relations with participants in criminal proceedings, the author substantiates the conclusion about the necessity to distinguish between two fundamentally different legal statuses of the prosecution officials. The first one is the official status of the prosecutor as the head of the prosecution authority, allowing him to exercise state powers to supervise the preliminary investigation bodies without accepting the additional procedural status of a participant in legal proceedings. The second one is the criminal procedural status acquired by an official of the prosecution authority, including a prosecutor, for a certain period (stage, phase) of criminal proceedings to carry out one of two procedural functions – criminal prosecution (acquires the status of a public prosecutor) or law enforcement function, protection of the interests of an individual, society and the state (acquires the status of other prosecutor or a prosecutor representative).

Jus strictum. 2024;(3):12-19
pages 12-19 views

The development of Soviet penal prohibitions during the Great Patriotic war

Skorobogatov A.V., Rybushkin N.N.


The paper covers the study of criminal law regulation during the Great Patriotic War in the historical and legal context. The purpose of the work is to form scientifically substantiated knowledge about the features of the development of the system of penal prohibitions in Soviet law during the Great Patriotic War. Based on the constructivist paradigm, the authors study the process of transformation of penal prohibitions in wartime, highlighting the role of not only legislative but also executive and judicial bodies in this process. The conducted study allowed concluding that the transformation of criminal law regulation equally affected the general and special parts of this branch of law. However, the changes were caused both by the needs of martial law and by the transformation of criminal law shortly before the war, which was associated with the proclaimed by the Constitution of the USSR of 1936 transition to regulating this branch of law not at the republican, but at the all-Union level. In the legal doctrine and the general part of criminal law, the changes concerned primarily the criminalization of civil and labor relations, the expansion of the limits of criminal law regulation, in particular the emergence of new objects of criminal defense, and the clarification of the list of special subjects of criminal law for whom increased measures of criminal liability were established. With regard to the special part of criminal law, the changes were more specific in nature due to the need to mobilize all material and human resources to defeat the enemy and ensure law and order and public safety.

Jus strictum. 2024;(3):20-26
pages 20-26 views

Abuse of right, unequal counter-execution, artificial debt in the context of challenging of debtor’s transactions under bankruptcy proceedings

Chuklova E.V., Babich A.V.


The ambiguity of interpretation of the rules applied when challenging transactions within the framework of the initiated bankruptcy case and the absence of clear criteria for the grounds for challenging debtor’s transactions determine the reasonability of a deep comprehensive theoretical study of such categories as abuse of rights, unequal counter-execution, and artificial debt. The conducted analysis of judicial practice allowed concluding that invalid debtor’s transactions concluded with abuse of rights in order to create artificial debt or with unequal counter-execution are identified by signs, based on the personal conviction of a judge, but still allowing them to be established with a high degree of reliability. Such signs, in particular, include: economic inexpediency of a transaction, when, for example,  in the presence of financial difficulties, the debtor sold the capital goods, thereby depriving himself of his main activity and profit; transfer of funds by the debtor in transit through friendly organizations, returned to the debtor in the form of a loan from a controlled organization; raising of a cash loan from individuals who do not have the financial ability to provide a loan; the supplier’s inability to deliver goods for which the debtor has incurred a debt; the absence of information about the transaction in the accounting statements of the debtor and its counterparty, etc. The authors believe that the absence of grounds for liability for intentional actions to create artificial debt and abuse of rights, the absence of clear criteria for the equivalence of counter-execution lead to the fact that unfair participants in economic turnover receive an unjustified benefit. In this regard, the authors propose to define more clearly in the law special grounds for challenging debtor’s transactions for the intentional creation of artificial credit debt, the withdrawal of debtor’s assets, and to establish grounds for liability and consequences for unfair persons.

Jus strictum. 2024;(3):27-33
pages 27-33 views

Book Reviews

Review of the series of lectures “Forensic Science: a short series of lectures for students of the training program 40.03.01 Jurisprudence” by E.S. Shurshalova, S.N. Smolkov (Shurshalova E.S. Kriminalistika: kratkiy kurs lektsiy dlya obuchayushchikhsya po napravleniyu podgotovki 40.03.01 Yurisprudentsiya [Forensic Science: a short series of lectures for students of the training program 40.03.01 Jurisprudence] / E.S. Shurshalova, S.N. Smolkov. – Saratov, Obshchestvo s ogranichennoy otvetstvennostyu “Amirit” Publ., 2023. – 179 p. – ISBN 978-5-00207-230-9)

Shoshin S.V.



Jus strictum. 2024;(3):34-39
pages 34-39 views

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