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The paper studies the issue of parliamentary responsibility development as a constitutional and legal institution in the system of constitutional law science. The purpose of the paper is to identify the types of parliamentary responsibility entities as the key element when determining the legislative process mechanism. The relevance of the study of the issue of parliamentary responsibility is caused by the necessity to improve the quality of the legislation process. The international experience of parliamentary system development causes the necessity to research the legal status of parliamentary responsibility entities as an element of the legislative process. The author carried out the theoretical and legal research of parliamentary responsibility as an element of the legislative process. At the current stage of development of legal theory, the parliamentary responsibility has not received its recognition and finds its practical rationale within the frames of political responsibility, responsibility in constitutional delict and disciplinary responsibility of a deputy. The study of the practice of legal regulation on structuring the chambers of federal parliament and regional parliaments allowed formulating the types of parliamentary responsibility entities. The author’s suggestions on the differentiation of the parliamentary responsibility types will promote the legislation. The prospects of establishing parliamentary responsibility are proved as the key basics of legal regulation of the legislation process. The author identified the causes of insufficient development of the parliamentary responsibility institution. Thus, the lack of distinct characteristics of the parliament entities (collegial and individual structural components of parliament) hinders the development of a legal basis for the establishment of parliamentary responsibility measures what causes the uncertainty in the establishment of parliamentary responsibility at various stages of the legislative process. The author concluded the necessity of the development and legal regulation of type classification of the parliamentary responsibility entities to regulate the mechanism of legislative procedures implementation in parliaments.

About the authors

O. A. Fomicheva

Orsk Institute of Humanities and Technology (branch) of Orenburg State University

Author for correspondence.

PhD (Law), Associate Professor

Russian Federation


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