Criminal procedural legal personality: the concept, legal nature, and the process of formation
- Authors: Zaburdaeva K.A.1
- Togliatti State University, Togliatti
- Issue: No 1 (2023)
- Pages: 5-12
- Section: Articles
- URL:
- DOI:
- ID: 441
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Despite the existence of a sufficient number of scientific papers on the issues of legal personality, it is prematurely to consider this term developed and understandable, first of all, due to the lack of a scientifically based theoretical concept of legal personality. Based on the analysis of the doctrinal and legal definition of legal personality, the author shows the identified contradictions in the generally accepted understanding of this category, the essence of which is the lack of consistency with the established legal terms – a legal subject, legal status, legal capability, and legal capacity to act. Resolving the identified contradictions, the author comes to the conclusion about the exclusively branch-specific meaning of legal personality, justifying the illogicality of using the term “general legal personality”, and within the theoretical and legal analysis of criminal procedural legal personality, shows the existing relations and dependences between legal personality and legal categories that are close in content – a legal subject and a subject of legal relations, legal status, legal capability, and legal capacity to act. Using a systematic approach in the study of criminal procedural legal personality, the author step by step reveals the process of formation of legal personality, limiting the sphere of its application to law enforcement. Based on the results of the study, the author substantiates the necessity of distinguishing between the concepts of procedural legal personality, a legal subject, legal status, and a subject of legal relations, proposes the author’s definitions of these terms. An understanding of procedural legal personality as a legal property of a specified court procedure participant arising as a result of acquiring the status of a legal subject is formulated. In understanding a criminal procedure subject, the author substantiates two aspects: regulatory and law enforcement. In the regulatory aspect, a legal subject is a generalized, abstract person vested with procedural legal capability and legal capacity to act; in the law enforcement sphere, a legal subject acts as a specified person with procedural legal personality.
About the authors
Kristina Aleksandrovna Zaburdaeva
Togliatti State University, Togliatti
Author for correspondence.
ORCID iD: 0000-0001-8770-1173
senior lecturer of Chair “Criminal Law and Procedure”
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