The paper considers special characteristics of classifying crimes related to the fire safety breach. The authors pay special attention to the issue of admissibility of using probabilistic inference of the fire mathematical simulation as evidence when classifying crimes related to the fire safety breach. It is proposed to emphasize the software programs and expert techniques quality before implementing them in the forensic-examination activity. Using the disposition of article 219 of the RF Criminal Code, the authors attempt to discuss the problematic issues related to the application of the results of mathematical simulation of the evacuation of people in case of fire when classifying and proving the obligatoriness (voluntariness) of fire safety requirements. The paper includes examples of problematic issues in the current techniques when calculating the probability of escape of people in the case of fire. The research allows considering both the technical and legal aspects of the application of current techniques for determining the probability of evacuation of people in the case of fire within the frame of forensic fire investigations. The authors propose to correct (develop) and standardize expert techniques used within fire investigations in the cases of fire safety breaches. The paper concludes on the inadmissibility of application of probabilistic meanings (results) obtained in the mathematical simulation of the evacuation of people in the case of fire as the essential evidence in the cases of fire safety breaches. The study allows specifying the problematic issues in using the evacuation simulation results when proving a body of a crime related to the fire safety breaches and substantiating the significance of further research.