No 2 (2023)

Full Issue

The organization of public authority within federal territory “Sirius”

Aleksandrov I.A.


This paper considers some issues related to the amendments made to the Constitution of the Russian Federation in 2020, in particular, the introduction of the “federal territory” structure into the text of this act and the subsequent adoption of the Federal Law “On the Federal Territory “Sirius”. The importance of the study is caused by the novelty of the concerned category for domestic legislation, as well as the debatable and even inconsistent discussion of its various aspects in the scientific literature. The federal territory “Sirius” by the very fact of its existence creates the basis for further research in the field of interaction between the elements of the system of state and municipal government, the construction and functioning of public authority. The author analyzes some issues concerning the general characteristics of the “federal territory” concept, the status of the federal territory “Sirius”, the organization of the system of public authorities within this public legal entity. The study touches on the scientific discussion regarding the assessment of the federal territory legal nature: should it be understood as an independent territorial unit, which, along with the subjects of the Russian Federation, is a part of the state, or should it be considered as an integral part of the territory of a subject of the Russian Federation? Moreover, the author pays attention to the ambiguity in determining the place of public authorities of the federal territory (in relation to the federal territory “Sirius”) in the system of authorities in the Russian Federation as a whole. It is emphasized that it is early to say how successful the new form will be, moreover, during or following the results of the transition period provided for by the Federal Law “On the Federal Territory “Sirius”, significant adjustments to the status of this territorial entity are possible.

Jus strictum. 2023;(2):5-10
pages 5-10 views

The uniqueness of the constitutional reform of 2020 and its consequences for the future of Russia

Bobrova N.A.


The relevance of the study is caused by the upcoming election of the RF President in 2024 in the context of continuing sanctions against Russia. The author analyzed, summarized, and grouped critical and analytical conclusions available in the scientific literature concerning the content of the constitutional reform of 2020 and its possible consequences. The novelty is in the systematization of numerous views on the significance of the constitutional reform of 2020 and the author’s forecast of the impact of this reform on the nature of the presidential election in 2024 and the further constitutional development of Russia. The paper aims at the analysis of the unique features of the constitutional reform of 2020. The author made the following conclusions: 1) the reform is unique in terms of legitimation methods, content, structure, and consequences; 2) the reason for the unexpected announcement of the constitutional reform is the need to stabilize power and the constitutional order by providing the current RF President with the opportunity to run for the next presidential election; 3) chapters 1 and 2 of the Constitution are not formally affected by the reform, while the amendments to chapters 3–8 actually affect the content of the first two chapters; 4) the contradictions arisen in the text of the Constitution exclude its new full-scale reform; 5) the powers of the President have been strengthened against the background of the seeming strengthening of the Parliament and the Constitutional Court; 6) a unique three-stage way of legitimizing amendments to the Constitution; 7) the coincidence of the powers of the State Council and the President in terms of determining the main directions of the state policy is a replacement solution for the political future of the current President of the Russian Federation. Despite criticism of the reform, the author concludes that the nature of the Constitution is the sovereign affair of the Russian people, who actually legalized the reform in the form of a plebiscite on the confidence of V.V. Putin. It is concluded that a new Russian constitution will soon be adopted, and the possibility of its adoption simultaneously with the presidential election campaign is not ruled out.

Jus strictum. 2023;(2):11-20
pages 11-20 views

Artificial division of a single administrative violation of license requirements in the sphere of management of apartment buildings

Dulger A.V.


The paper deals with the problem of qualification and artificial division of a single administrative offense related to the presence of a debt to the public utilities suppliers by a managing company amounting double average monthly accrual when implementing the entrepreneurial activities on the management of apartment buildings with a gross violation of license requirements. The paper reveals the elements of administrative offense provided by part 3 of Art. 14.1.3 of the Code of the Russian Federation on Administrative Offenses. The author pays the particular attention to the analysis of small, but critically important judicial practice. Often the positions of regional courts contradict the positions of the RF Supreme Court and the general principles of administrative law. A problem of artificial division of a single offense into several independent ones was identified, since the disposition of part 3 of Art. 14.1.3 of the Code of the Russian Federation on Administrative Offenses is formulated inaccurately. Failure to fulfill the obligation for timely mutual settlements with a resource supplying organization may be erroneously qualified as several offenses, depending on the number of suppliers to whom the debt arose, and depending on the period of occurrence of such debt. Such an approach to law enforcement is found among the prosecution and housing supervision authorities. This problem leads to the repeated application of administrative punishment, when a single offense is qualified as several. The study identified general regularities in the approaches of superior courts, starting from the cassation level. These regularities allow determining the more precise conditions for qualifying gross violations of license requirements in the sphere of housing and utilities infrastructure in accordance with part 3 of Article 14.1.3 of the Code of the Russian Federation on Administrative Offenses.

Jus strictum. 2023;(2):21-28
pages 21-28 views

Civil legal regulation of abuse of a right in judicial practice

Mashtakov I.V.


The subjects of civil law relations are vested with the right to choose a model of their lawful behavior to such an extent that judicial practice encounters the problems caused by the adverse consequences of such behavior, which are significant and tangible for both the counterparty and the third parties expecting their legal rights and interests to be respected. In this study, the author was interested in a practical approach to understanding the abuse of a right developed by judicial practice, because the norms of civil legislation on the effectuation of civil rights are presented in not such a broad interpretation, as the law enforcer would like. Within this study, the author investigated various judicial positions on the qualification of specific behavior of participants in civil law relations as “abuse of a right”. In order the adverse consequences of the abuse of a right for the parties to legal relations and third parties to be eliminated or not to occur at all, the law establishes a general rule on the extent of equitable civil right effectuation. This rule is directly related to the concept of abuse of a right and instructs the participants in civil relations to prevent its knowingly unfair effectuation. As part of the analysis of the judicial practice materials, the author identified the criteria (signs) that courts are guided by to establish the fact of abuse of a right. As a result of the analysis of the criteria (signs) of abuse of a right developed by judicial practice, it was concluded that, to some extent, the subjective-evaluative approach of the court to characterizing the specific circumstances of a case allows currently to talk about a certain spontaneous nature of the choice of position by the court to consider the specific behavior of a person as the abuse of a right or not.

Jus strictum. 2023;(2):29-35
pages 29-35 views

Protecting the rights of an entrepreneur from abuse of their rights by consumers

Chuklova Е.V., Evsikova T.S.


The object of the study is a set of legal relations arising between a consumer and an entrepreneur, within which the abuse of the right by a weaker party of such legal relations is possible. The subject of the study is the norms of civil legislation enshrining the rights of participants in legal relations in this sphere. In the context of protecting the right, the authors investigate the legal categories forming the basis of legal relations with the consumer’s participation. The ambiguity of the interpretation of civil legislation applied in practice determines the expediency of a deep comprehensive theoretical study of the ways of abuse of the right by consumers. The work indicates that, despite the fact that a consumer should not have special knowledge when purchasing a particular product or service some requirements for reasonableness and conscientiousness are still imposed on consumer behavior. The analysis of judicial practice allowed concluding that consumer’s unfair behavior can serve as a basis for refusing to protect his or her rights, which was repeatedly pointed out in court rulings. The authors identified six groups of ways of abuse of the right by a consumer and presented the ways to solve the problems caused by their spread. In particular, the authors propose to unify the legislation on the system of quality of products manufactured by entrepreneurs through the creation of a single document defining the parameters of its quality. The authors consider it necessary to bring Article 10 of the RF Civil Code in line with the current reality, as it has not been edited for more than ten years.

Jus strictum. 2023;(2):36-41
pages 36-41 views