Features of carrying out comparative researches of legal liability are investigated. The specificity of general theoretical features of legal liability, its ontology and praxeology is taken into account. Objective and subjective grounds of the general theory of legal liability are taught and conditionally delineated. Questions of the research of legal liability for which it is necessary to receive an answer are formulated. The technique of comparative liability research in law, which can actualize the value of research results, is proposed. To increase the effectiveness of the function of knowledge of liability, it is recommended to take into account the results of monitoring of law enforcement and lawmaking. The indicators indicating the success of a comparative legal research of liability and its results are named. The author comes to conclusions about the existence of the specifics of comparative researches of liability, which is based on its general theoretical and specific features. Specifics of the research of legal liability must be taken into account. A comparative research of liability should be diagnosed on the basis of special indicators that show the expected forms of application of the results of the research.