Seizure of digital footprints from the Internet and their use in evidence: criminal procedural aspects

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Currently, the amount of information that Internet users post on it and exchange with each other is increasing. Under certain conditions, this information, can become forensically significant and can be used as evidence in the future. The issue of seizure and procedural recording of such information is not regulated by current legislation, which makes it difficult to use this information as evidence. The purpose of the study is to identify specific features of digital information, special aspects of the process of proof using digital information and digital footprints within the framework of the current criminal procedure legislation. The author considers the information obtained from social networks in the context of digital footprints and digital evidence in criminal procedure. The signs of digital (electronic) evidence have been systematized. The author carried out an analysis of the provisions of Art. 74 of the Criminal Procedure Code of the Russian Federation, as well as of modern scientific approaches to understanding the system and form of evidence in criminal procedure. Having studied law enforcement practice, the author concluded that the existing legal regulation of the use of digital (electronic) evidence in criminal procedure is not effective enough. The analysis of legislation and law enforcement practice regarding the use of digital footprints in evidence allowed formulating several proposals to improve the norms of criminal procedure legislation of the Russian Federation. In particular, the author proposed to enshrine the definition of digital document in the Criminal Procedure Code of the Russian Federation, expand the list of investigative actions, and specify a separate investigative action aimed at detecting digital footprints and recording digital information.

About the authors

Evgeniya Aleksandrovna Gambarova

Togliatti State University, Togliatti

Author for correspondence.
ORCID iD: 0000-0002-9984-2819

Master of Law, Master of Psychology, postgraduate student, senior lecturer of Chair “Criminal Law and Procedure”

Russian Federation


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