Jus strictum

Peer-reviewed scholarly journal published quarterly since 2010.

Publisher & Founder

Togliatti State University, Togliatti, Russia


Mikhail M. Krishtal
Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor
 ResearcherID ORCID


Languages: Russian, English. 

Periodicity: quarterly (March 31, June 30, September 30, December 30).

There are no publication fees or fees payable to authors.

The Journal offers authors direct open access to its content.

The journal is included in the List of Peer-reviewed Journals of Higher Attestation Commission, and the research results of a DSc or CSc thesis are recommended to be published in the journal.

For the Russian Science Citation Index, full bibliographic description of all papers are indexed and listed in the Scientific Electronic Library eLIBRARY.RU.

Five-year 2022 Russian Science Citation Index Impact Factor is 0.201 (with no self-citations).

The Subjects for Publishing

The journal publishes original papers in the Legal Sciences.

Current Issue

No 2 (2024)

Full Issue

Punishment and the concept of restorative justice in criminal law
Antonchenko V.V.

The relevance of the study is caused by the necessity for further increment of scientific knowledge on the issues of fighting crime by means of criminal law, as well as by the importance of understanding the essence of criminal punishment, which has a complex and contradictory nature manifested in the deprivation or restriction of the rights and freedoms of a person found guilty of committing a crime. The purpose of the work is to search for the most rational properties of punishment that can have a positive impact on quantitative and qualitative indicators of criminality. Causing adverse consequences to an offender is based on the practice of revenge, which has historically developed throughout the existence of human civilization, based on the irrational properties of the emotional sphere of a person. These properties of punishment inevitably penetrate beyond the penitentiary sphere and affect the entire society. Today, domestic criminal policy does not help reduce crime; on the contrary, by increasing the number of crimes and convicted for them (through the criminalization of acts) and worsening the quality indicators of criminality (through the widespread use of imprisonment contributing to the society dehumanization and the criminal sphere professionalization), it complicates the criminal situation. The humanization of “prison” relations could become a significant factor in the general preventive impact on criminality. The author believes that the efforts of the law enforcement system of the state should not be aimed at revenge, even if it receives ennobled connotations in the terms “retaliation”, “retribution”, but at compensating for the harm caused by the crime and at isolating an individual who, by virtue of the committed act, brings a public danger. This approach is inevitably associated with the humanization of criminal legal relations and the rationalization of punishment, which are necessary for society no less than for individuals punished for committing crimes.

Jus strictum. 2024;(2):11-18
pages 11-18 views
Judicial fine as a problematic institution of criminal procedure law
Lazareva V.A.

Interest in the subject of the study is caused by the relative novelty of the intersectoral – criminal and criminal procedure legal institution of a judicial fine competing with other forms of relief from criminal liability in terms of both grounds and procedure. It is highly demanded in practice, but ambiguously understood in theory due to the contradictory and inconsistent legal regulation. The purpose of the study is, based on the most complete identification and systematization of defects in the legal regulation of the procedure for terminating a criminal case with the judicial fine imposition, to determine promising directions for its development. The paper considers in detail the grounds and conditions for the termination of a criminal case with the judicial fine imposition as a complex intersectoral legal institution. The author indicates the shortcomings of contradictory and inconsistent legal regulation, which destroy the integrity and consistency of criminal procedure law, complicate understanding and reduce the effectiveness of its application. The results of the study confirmed the hypothesis about the extreme illogicality of the legal regulation of the procedure for terminating a criminal case with the judicial fine imposition, about the imperfection of wording used in Art. 251, Cap. 511 of the Criminal Procedure Code of the Russian Federation, which makes understanding difficult and reduces the effectiveness of applying the rules of law. The author proposes to define more clearly in Art. 251 of the Code of Criminal Procedure of the Russian Federation the grounds for terminating a criminal case and delimit them from the grounds for terminating a criminal case in connection with the mediation by the parties; eliminate the defective legal formulations; exclude the possibility of terminating unfinished proceedings in a criminal case by an unusual for the preliminary investigation body petition addressed to the court, as well as the procedure for its consideration not defined by law but recommended by the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation according to the rules of Art. 108 of the Code of Criminal Procedure of the Russian Federation.

Jus strictum. 2024;(2):19-25
pages 19-25 views
Institution of additional investigation in the legislation of the Russian Federation and the Republic of Belarus: origins and development trends
Leonova E.V.

The paper analyzes the problem of overcoming the objectively existing contradiction between the institution of returning a criminal case for additional investigation and the adversarial principle. Despite the enshrinement of the principle of adversarial proceedings and equality of parties in Art. 15 of the Code of Criminal Procedure of the Russian Federation, the initially eliminated institution of additional investigation was soon restored in its previous form. This allows the court, instead of pronouncing an acquittal, to provide the investigator with an additional possibility to continue collecting accusatory evidence. The purpose of the work is to search for alternative ways to ensure the effectiveness of criminal proceedings complying with the principles of the Russian criminal procedure, including those tested in the Republic of Belarus. In the Republic of Belarus, the technique of changing the charge to a more serious one directly during the trial and eliminating the incompleteness of the preliminary investigation by suspending the trial proceedings to collect additional evidence is used as such method. Taking into account the dynamics of legal phenomena and legal means, using methods of historical and comparative analysis, the author of the paper studies the origins of the institution of additional investigation in the Russian Federation and the Republic of Belarus, analyzes its development, and compares the means of criminal procedural response to the errors of the preliminary investigation revealed during the trial. The study demonstrates the failure of the experience of both countries, as they have failed to free the court from its unusual duty to make up for shortcomings and eliminate errors in the preliminary investigation. The author concludes that it is necessary to search for fundamentally different means of improving the quality of the preliminary investigation directly during pre-trial proceedings.

Jus strictum. 2024;(2):26-34
pages 26-34 views
Acquisition and loss of the status of a defense lawyer: a comparative analysis of the statute of criminal proceedings of 1864 and modern legislation
Yunoshev S.V.

The paper covers the issues of acquisition and loss of the status of a defense lawyer in a criminal case in the period of the Statute of Criminal Proceedings of 1864 (the Statute) and in the current Criminal Procedure Code of the Russian Federation. Since the Statute was and remains an outstanding monument of domestic criminal procedure legislation, an appeal to its provisions in view of their comparison with the current legislation seems to have high theoretical significance and relevance. Moreover, the analysis of the actual legislative regulation of certain provisions of the Statute is significantly expanded in the paper by referring to the law enforcement practice of the Governing Senate, which both acted as a mechanism for the formation of uniform judicial practice and often filled in the gaps of legislative regulation. The paper presents an analysis of the grounds and conditions for the acquisition and loss by a defense lawyer of his procedural status in a historical and comparative aspect in order to determine the possibilities of improving this procedural institution in modern legislation. Within this goal, in general, a tendency has been identified towards a more detailed and elaborated procedural regulation of the acquisition and loss by a defense lawyer of his status in modern criminal procedural legislation in comparison with the provisions of the Statute. At the same time, there are examples of the opposite – the Statute regulated the possibility of the defense lawyer’s participation in a case in a conflicts defense in a much more flexible and balanced manner. In contrast to the current legislation, the Statute properly regulated the institution of replacing a defense lawyer at the client’s initiative. The Statute allowed for the possibility of a defense lawyer’s refusal to undertake the defense if there were compelling reasons, which is strenuously not allowed by current legislation, contrary to the logic of properly ensuring the right to defense. These and other aspects demonstrate the directions for improving the modern procedural regulation of the acquisition and loss of the status of a defense lawyer as suggested by the provisions of the Statute.

Jus strictum. 2024;(2):35-45
pages 35-45 views

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