No 3 (2022)
- Year: 2022
- Published: 30.09.2022
- Articles: 5
- URL:
Published 30.09.2022
Full Issue
Concerning the criminal procedural functions of a prosecutor
The paper presents a critical overview of a prosecutor’s status in the criminal procedure with regard to the criminal procedural functions assigned to him in part 1 of Art. 37 of the Russian Federation Code of Criminal Procedure. The relevance of the study is caused by the absence in the law of a definite indication of tasks and objectives entrusted on a prosecutor during the pre-trial and trial procedure at his simultaneous attributing to the prosecution, the goal of which is to ensure criminal proceedings. The contradictions and gaps in the enshrining prosecutor’s functions and authorities in the law led to the uncertainty of the prosecutor’s procedural status, which is the most dually manifested within the pre-trial proceedings, when, a prosecutor as a prosecution party, on the one hand, implements the criminal prosecution function, and, on the other hand, carries out the function of procedural oversight over the preliminary investigation bodies. After the semantic analysis of the term of “criminal prosecution”, having analyzed the ideas, opinions, and proposals presented in the criminal procedural science, as well as taking into account the logics of the law manifested at the regulation of the powers of the bodies of preliminary investigation into criminal prosecution, the author justifies the necessity of statutory division of the prosecutor’s functions and delimitation of borders for their implementation taking into account the criminal procedure parts. In the pre-trial proceedings, the prosecutor should be assigned only the procedural oversight function, and in the judicial proceedings – the criminal prosecution function. As a result, the main goal of the prosecutor during the pre-trial proceedings is to ensure the lawfulness when the preliminary investigation bodies implement their procedural authorities, and during trial proceedings – to carry out criminal prosecution in the name of the Russian Federation.
On the problem of understanding justice as a legal category
The global and systemic crisis that modern civilization is going through makes it necessary to improve the efficiency of the functioning of both government bodies and legal systems, the activities of these bodies and their regulatory officials. Despite the strict observance of formal legality in the activities of officials, civil society may refuse to trust and support them if such activities are perceived as unfair. In public opinion, the fairness of the activities of representatives of the government, therefore, can be considered as a necessary condition for the legitimacy of their activities. This kind of circumstance necessitates the formalization of the concept of justice and the inclusion of this concept into the language of legal documents. At present, an unambiguous understanding of the category of “justice” in domestic jurisprudence has not yet been formed. The paper presents the author’s concept of justice in law, concludes that it is necessary to formalize and institutionalize this concept, to sort out the legal category of “justice” from the categories of the same name developed in other social and humanitarian sciences. The greatest attention is paid to the applicability of the concept of justice to the intersectoral institution of legal responsibility. It has been established that in the Russian Federation the requirement to ensure fairness in the activities of government bodies and officials has actually acquired a constitutional character. However, the use of this concept in the Constitution of the Russian Federation cannot be recognized as consistent, and justice as a whole has an ambiguous character. The content and correlation of this concept with other legal categories is analyzed. The study allows us to speak about the existence of a legal category of justice, which does not coincide with the understanding of this concept in other areas of scientific knowledge. It is concluded that the changes made to the Constitution of the Russian Federation, as one of their main goals, have an increase in fairness in the organization of public administration. The paper emphasizes the possibility to reveal the legal content of the concept of justice through the requirements to ensure verity, proportionality and impartiality in the activities of the government bodies.
Preparation of a public prosecutor for participation in a trial for cases on the occupation of the highest position in the criminal hierarchy
The paper considers special aspects of organization of the public prosecutor preparation to prosecute on the cases on occupying the supreme position in the criminal hierarchy. The authors specify the peculiarities of prosecuting on this type of cases before the court, formulates recommendations on the tactics of submission of evidence to the court. The paper summarizes the scientific recommendations on the public prosecutor preparation for judicial proceedings. The specifics of judicial consideration of cases on occupying the supreme position in the criminal hierarchy and the public prosecutor’s participation in it are taken into account. The authors identified that tactical specific of submission of evidence by a public prosecutor depends on the constitution of the court. Based on the analysis of judicial practice, the authors demonstrate that to achieve optimal result, it is advisable for public prosecutor to submit evidence in the order corresponding to the sequence of commission of a crime when a case on occupying the highest position in the criminal hierarchy is considered by professional judges. The paper describes the peculiarities of preparing a public prosecutor to participate in judicial proceedings on the cases on occupying the supreme position in the criminal hierarchy. The authors recommend that a public prosecutor submits evidence in the order corresponding to the structure of the way a defendant takes the highest position in the criminal hierarchy. Concerning the cases involving a jury, it seems reasonable to carry out a judicial examination of specialist – a criminologist – to explain the basic concepts reflecting the way a defendant takes the highest position in the criminal hierarchy. The authors suggest amending criminal procedure legislation on the cases, which cannot be considered by the court consisting of a judge and a tribunal of eight jurors.
Crime investigations and common mistakes when detecting and withdrawing the evidence of cyber criminal actions
Telecommunication technologies made it possible for the society to use both real (material) and virtual space. Some actions injuring social relations fall under the criminal legislation prohibition: Articles 272, 273, 274, and 274.1 of the RF Criminal Code. The investigated crimes committed in the material world have a large tried and tested investigative and judicial practice, but the investigation of cyber crimes has a weak empirical base and a limited scientific experience. This indicates the existence of a criminalistically significant problem and the necessity of its solution. The paper presents the list and brief criminalistic overview of common mistakes made by investigative authorities when detecting and withdrawing the evidence of cyber crimes. Based on the system-comprehensive approach, the author gives an overview of information computer network elements criminalistically significant for an investigation; carries out the analysis of the implementation of evidentiary law provisions when investigating crimes in the telecommunication space. In conclusion, the author explains the digital footprint universal nature and enumerates typical mistakes when detecting and withdrawing the evidence of cyber criminal acts. The paper states that such order of things sets before the scientists and practitioners the task of improving forensic methods, tools, and tactics for detecting traces of a crime in the information (virtual) space and their procedural legal enshrinement. The author proposes a direction of solving this problem. It does not indicate the necessity to revise the existing evidentiary law theory and to supplement it with new procedural aspects fixing special characteristics of digital information. The author highlights that the mistakes made by investigators are not caused by the gaps in scientific knowledge of a forensic or legislative nature. The problem solution lies in the practical plane of the IT-technologies knowledge improvement by the investigators conducting the examination.
The concept and purpose of punishment in Russian medieval law
The paper considers the evolution of the purpose of criminal punishment in the sources of Russian medieval law with regard to the subjective guilt of a law-violator. For a long time, the essence of punishment in Russian law was expressed not so much in the application of sanctions to an offender for violating the norm of behavior (a custom) by the latter, but in restoring the violated order (the truth) and satisfying the victim’s resentment by causing physical suffering to an offender, or to compensate an offense by recovering the property of an offender. The essence of punishment was expressed in the restoration of justice, which was understood as an equivalent retribution to an offender for the evil committed, causing offense, and violating the general order. Such an understanding of the idea of justice, inseparable from law, has historically become the core of Russian legal consciousness. The author used the methods of historical-legal and comparative-legal analysis to study the activities of the legislator to limit the use of retaliation (revenge) by victims against an offender carried out privately without the state power participation. The author concludes that in the late medieval period, during the formation of the Muscovite state in the XIV–XV centuries, punishment becomes a compensatory remedy representing not a private, but a public (state or class) interest. Punishment in the state hands becomes retribution (punishment) to an offender formally on behalf of the whole society, but, in fact, on behalf of the ruling class. The legislator begins to pay attention to the internal (subjective) attitude of a person to a committed offense and its consequences when sentencing.