No 3 (2020)

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Aleksandrov I.A.


The paper considers some issues related to the application of so-called alternative methods within the crime investigation activity. The relevance of the study is caused by the opportunities opened by the use of hypno-reproductive inquiry and some other alternative methods in the practice of law enforcement authorities. Thus, the author analyzes the issues related to determining the concept of the alternative methods of crime investigation and its correlation with some other terms: alternative forms of using specialized knowledge, quasi-scientific methods of crime uncovering, etc. The author draws special attention to the notion of paracriminalistics, which is complex and non-uniform in content. The author draws attention to the attributes of alternative methods of crime investigation: application singularity, application to solve rare, non-standard investigative situations, the uniqueness, and similar characteristics. Moreover, the paper considers the issue of listing these methods and variants of their classification. Thus, the author analyzes the possibility of dividing alternative methods of crime investigation depending on the degree of their recognition by the criminalists-scientists and law enforcement employees. As a result, the author proposes a possible variant of an integrated definition of a concept of alternative methods of crime investigation and highlights some methods, which currently anyhow can be considered alternative (offender or victim profiling, scent evidence analysis carried out through selection, the use of the polygraph, psychic powers of some people, and hypno-reproduction method). The author says about the impracticality to characterize the list of these methods as a complete one.

Science Vector of Togliatti State University. Series: Legal Sciences. 2020;(3):5-11
pages 5-11 views


Dementieva T.Y., Angipova N.F.


In criminal law, the concept of iatrogenic crimes was formed, characterizing a separate group of crimes against human life and health committed if medical workers break the rules for providing medical care when performing their professional duties. In this paper, the authors consistently analyze the problems of classifying iatrogenic crimes during the preliminary investigation, using the initial study of the definitions of the concept of iatrogeny to determine the semantic meaning and the essence of this term for a clearer understanding of its use when classifying crimes in the sphere of ensuring the protection of life and health of citizens. The authors highlight the urgent need to introduce into the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation special rules governing crimes committed by medical workers broking medical rules or standards when performing their professional duties, which resulted in death or serious harm to the patient’s health. The authors formulated and explained the proposals to make the amendments to the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation: 1) to specify a special subject of a crime (a medical worker) and exclude Article 293 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation from the group of iatrogenic crimes; 2) to prosecute persons providing medical care, both within the framework of agreements and in their absence; 3) the criminal liability of a medical worker should occur only in the presence of guilt in the form of negligence in the act and the effects as well as in the case of the death of a patient or serious harm to health.

Science Vector of Togliatti State University. Series: Legal Sciences. 2020;(3):12-18
pages 12-18 views


Dyuk K.I., Mychak T.V., Takhautdinova A.R.


In 2016, a new criminal law measure in the form of exemption from criminal liability with the imposition of a court fine was introduced in the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. This measure is complex and multilateral, and some gaps in its regulation have become apparent: the concept and attributes of the exemption from criminal liability with the imposition of a court fine are not defined; the order of the fine imposition for several crimes in aggregate is not provided; the possibility of deferment or installment when imposing a court fine is not considered, etc. The study aims at the analysis of mentioned gaps of legal regulation of the institute of exemption from criminal liability with the imposition of a court fine. The authors analyzed the appropriateness of using the term “a court fine”; specified the place of this penalty among other categories with similar names; considered the procedure of identifying the minimum amount of a fine imposed by the court and its amount when imposing it for several crimes in aggregate; developed the provisions of deferment and installment of the court fine payment, and described the conditions when it is possible to exempt a person from criminal liability with the imposition of a court fine in the case a victim protests again a compensation of damage. The provisions offered by authors determine the novelty of this study as this institute previously was not a subject of comprehensive research concerning the problems of its legal enforcement.

Science Vector of Togliatti State University. Series: Legal Sciences. 2020;(3):19-25
pages 19-25 views


Zakomoldin R.V., Duyunov V.K.


In part 1 of Article 2 of the RF Criminal Code, the legislator specified the list of goods requiring protection through available criminal legal means. One of such criminally protected goods is the security, understood as the state of absence of external and internal threats to the interests of an individual, the society, and the state. Security includes such types as the state, public, and personal safety. Consequently, public security cannot be the general object of criminal legal protection since it represents only the security of society. It is necessary to specify a concept that would synthesize the safety of the state, society, and an individual and allow refusing the unreasonably broad interpretation of public security in the RF Criminal Code. The authors propose to use the category of national security as such a unifying concept. The paper analyzes the nature, definition, and content of the notion of national security. The authors note that national security, as a social good, can be ensured by the comprehensive use of all the resources and tools available to the state, including the system of means and measures of criminal legal impact. The paper analyzes the correlation between the concepts of national security and military security, since, for a long time, these phenomena were equal. The authors believe that these notions should be considered as a whole and as a part. It is necessary to consider military security as a kind of national security, one of its constituent elements. As a result, the authors propose to fix the categories of national safety and military safety in the current criminal law. In particular, national security should be fixed as a general object of criminal legal protection and general object of crimes, and military security - as its element and generic object of crimes .

Science Vector of Togliatti State University. Series: Legal Sciences. 2020;(3):26-31
pages 26-31 views


Lebedev Z.S.


The paper deals with the problem of identifying persons participating in a court session through a web conference, in particular, the possibility of identifying by using biometric data. The relevance of the study is determined by the existing social request for the modernization of the methods of holding a court session and participating in it, which aims at ensuring their orientation to satisfy the legitimate interests and needs of citizens, as well as the insufficient elaboration of the possibilities for implementing a new way of participating in the court session in legislation. The author analyzes the pros and cons of the new way to participate in court sessions proposed by the law enforcement agency, expresses the author’s opinion on this issue. In particular, the author touches on the problem of identifying persons participating in a court session through a web conference, which today has more disadvantages than advantages. The author proposes the way to solve this problem: to use biometric data involving both a thorough analysis of the possibilities for its application by the legislator and testing in the practical field with the participation of specialists in the sphere of information technologies. The author proposes the use of biometric data of citizens to participate in a court session online. In this case, the procedures for collecting and using such data should be strictly regulated. The storage of biometric data must meet all safety requirements to prevent unauthorized use. The author agrees with the effectiveness of the measure taken by the law enforcement agency to reduce coronavirus infection and considers it possible to use this measure in ordinary life conditions.

Science Vector of Togliatti State University. Series: Legal Sciences. 2020;(3):32-36
pages 32-36 views


Savelyeva O.Y.


In 2016, the liability for corruption crimes underwent substantial transformations. It resulted in adding greater punitive measures for some types of corruption crimes and including new elements of corruption offenses in criminal legislation. Despite the common judicial practice and the existence of the Resolution of Plenum of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation containing the interpretation of corruption crimes, still, there are many controversial issues demanding discussion and solution taking into account modern life realities. The research determines the basic statements related to the formation of the concept of corruption crimes and their main attributes, analyzes the controversial theoretical and practical issues of classification of a corrupt payment, bribery, official misconduct, as well as forgery in the office associated with bribery taking into account last amendments to criminal legislation. The author carried out the general analysis of corruption offenses, as well as paid attention to some corpora delicti, in particular, to minor corrupt payment and minor bribery included in the Criminal code of the Russian Federation based on the Federal law of July 3, 2016, No. 324-FZ. The paper focuses on the characteristics of special recidivism included in the structure of classified types of minor corrupt payment and bribery. By results of the research, the author makes the proposals on change of the disposition of abuse of authority (Article 201 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation), the update of contents of the Resolution of Plenum of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation “Concerning the judicial practice on cases of bribery and other corruption crimes” regarding the interpretation of special recidivism and forgery in office.

Science Vector of Togliatti State University. Series: Legal Sciences. 2020;(3):37-42
pages 37-42 views


Starodubova L.V., Ingannamorte L.A.


The issues of theory and practice concerning the legal nature, essence, and meaning of the concept of access to justice are the most urgent in the modern legal science. The paper deals with the study of the influence of the subjective factors accruing from people who are concerned with the justice mechanisms (judiciary system credibility and the ideas of legal nihilism) on the enforcement of their right for the judicial defense, as well as the efficacy of the concept of access to justice in the whole. The authors consider the causes of the appearance of mentioned factors, the degree, and forms of their influence, as well as possible ways of elimination of the adverse effect of such influence. To improve the quality and elaboration of the research topic, the authors studied the issues of theory revealing the content of the concept of access to justice and the place of this idea in the legal science and practice. According to the results of the study, the authors conclude on the necessity to take into account the subjective factors when identifying the vector of development of the procedural legislation and judicial system in the whole due to their great impact on the access to justice for citizens and organizations as such factors cause the existence of mental, subjective barriers for the use of the judicial defense mechanisms. Among other issues, the authors offer to enshrine the concept of access to justice in the procedural legislation as a separate and independent legal principle, as well as to take it into account when elaborating federal programs and roadmaps on the development of institutional and procedural components of justice. The paper contains the proposal to develop some educational measures to eliminate the manifestations of legal nihilism in Russian society.

Science Vector of Togliatti State University. Series: Legal Sciences. 2020;(3):43-48
pages 43-48 views


Takhautdinova A.R., Danilina N.Z., Meshcheryakova Y.O.


The paper analyzes the problems of the application of compulsory educational influence measures to juveniles set forth by Russian legislation. The authors consider the issue of the effectiveness of the application of educational measures to minors as an alternative to criminal punishment, analyze the notion of the compulsory measures of educational influence and conclude on the ambiguity of its interpretation. The analysis of legislation in terms of regulation of the application of compulsory educational measures made it possible to formulate several offers for the improvement of norms of criminal, criminally-remedial, and penal legislation of the Russian Federation aimed at the increase of efficiency of their application. According to the results of the research taking into account the results of the study of law enforcement, the authors conclude that the application of compulsory measures of educational influence shall entail no exemption from criminal liability. A juvenile suffers adverse effects of a committed crime in the light, more humane form comparing to the punishment. The application of compulsory educational measures is a form of criminal liability implementation. The application of some measures of educational influence (for example, warning) is ineffective as there are no possibilities to guarantee their fulfillment. The list of educational measures requires to be extended by including such remedies as unsalaried public works and the obligation to attend the course of social-pedagogical rehabilitation. To effectively apply the compulsory measures of educational influence, it is necessary to fix the procedure of implementing these measures in the penal legislation and create special state authority, which will be charged to supervise over minors and their proper enforcement of the measures of educational influence.

Science Vector of Togliatti State University. Series: Legal Sciences. 2020;(3):49-54
pages 49-54 views


Chuklova E.V.


Disputes on the definition of the legal nature of civil liability, its place in the legal system and the system of legal responsibility, have been conducted in domestic law for a long time, but they are still acute. The prevailing position regarding the place of civil liability in the system of law is to classify this institution as private law. The paper studies the relations between the norms of civil liability institutions and the criminal law norms that are aimed at protecting civil law relations and shows their interaction with classical civil liability. The study reveals the coordination, subordination, and genetic links of the civil liability institute with other elements of the legal system. The definition of genetic links is based on the process of formation and separation of branches of law. The author studies the geometrical regularity characterizing coordination links and notes the existence of subordination links. Within the frames of the study, the author proves that the institute of civil liability cannot be exactly classified as an institute of private law. The analysis of judicial practice showed as well the impossibility to classify the civil liability institution as a civil institution. As a result of the study, the author concludes that civil liability institute has complex coordination links with other branches of law expressed in the use of general terms, concepts, and categories. Subordination relationships are manifested in the existence of a hierarchy both between civil liability measures within one normative legal act and liability measures established in the norms of other liability institutions. Genetic relationships reveal the common origin of structural entities included in the civil liability institution.

Science Vector of Togliatti State University. Series: Legal Sciences. 2020;(3):55-62
pages 55-62 views

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