No 4 (2018)

Full Issue


Vershinina S.I.


This paper is the result of participation of the author in the discussion of issues at the Round Table “The improvement of the procedure of the release on medical grounds” that took place on the 31st of March 2017 in the RF Council of Federation upon the initiative of the Committee on constitutional legislation and state construction and the Ombudsman for Human Rights in the Russian Federation. At the Round Table, the scientists and practicians noted the existence of the problems in the legal regulation of the release institution and placed special emphasis on the humanization of the legislation in this sphere. Taking into account the round-table recommendations, the author highlights the most problem points of legal regulation of the release from the punishment of the seriously ill convicted defendants and proposes own variant for their solution in the criminal and criminal procedure legislation. In particular, the author offers to amend part 2 of Article 81 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation by adding the provision of Article 175 of the Penal Code of the RF “The list of diseases impeding the enduring of punishment, to be approved by the Government of the Russian Federation” and simultaneously omitting it from the Penal Code. To the author’s opinion, it is necessary to insert a new Article 400.1 “The consideration of a petition for the release of a convicted defendant from punishment on medical grounds” to the criminal procedure code of the Russian Federation and to set two procedures of implementation of this institution distinguished by a subject initiated the proceedings on the release of a convicted defendant from punishment associated with a serious disease. In the first case, the proceedings are initiated by a convicted defendant, in the second case – by the administration of a detention facility.      

Jus strictum. 2018;(4):5-9
pages 5-9 views


Zakomoldin A.V.


This research paper covers the contemporary problems of application of a personal suretyship as a preventive measure in criminal procedure. Taking into account the preventive measures system embodied in the criminal procedure legislation, it is necessary to ensure legal, organizational and other frameworks to apply each of the existing preventive measures according to the specific situation with regard to a case. The author formulated the notion of a personal suretyship as a preventive measure and expressed the opinions about the explanation of a regulatory benchmark to which a person involved in the criminal proceedings as a guarantor should conform. The author notes the imperfection of the requirements applicable to a guarantor and embodied in the Criminal Procedure Code of the Russian Federation, among which there is no a requirement for arriving a certain age and ability to act. Based on the analysis of the existing points of view regarding the explanation of the provisions of the Criminal Procedure Code of the RF regulating the application of a personal suretyship, the practical recommendations addressed to an executor of law are formulated. In particular, the author offers the approximate (preliminary) criteria that should be considered by a person in charge authorized to apply this preventive measure in order to form the internal conviction that a claimant for the role of a guarantor with regard to a certain criminal case will be able to make moral and psychological impact on a suspected offender (defendant) and wants to ensure his/her good behavior during the proceedings.

The author expresses an offer to make amendments to the current edition of part 1 of the article 103 of the RF Criminal Procedure Code in order to expand the practice of application of a personal suretyship as a preventive measure during the criminal proceedings.

Jus strictum. 2018;(4):10-14
pages 10-14 views


Ivenskiy A.I., Kapitanov K.I., Zaburdaeva K.A., Makarov L.V.


The juridical-technical drawbacks of regulation of the initial stage of preliminary investigation, in particular, the institution of the urgent investigative actions, determine the contradictions in the regulatory enforcement arising at the initial stage of conducting a preliminary criminal investigation by the investigation authorities and officers in the cases not placed under their jurisdiction.

The algorithm of actions requiring the substantial time consumption related to the physical sending of the materials in accordance with the jurisdiction, especially in the cases of the use of the postal service means, may cause the loss of facts of evidence, the difficulties in the identification of persons indicted on criminal charges, their location, as well as the other problems hindering the further investigation and sometimes even suspending its successful completion.

The urgent investigative actions institution is regulated by the range of criminal procedure legislation norms, randomly spread throughout the different chapters, articles and even parts of the Russian Federation Code of Criminal Procedure, and there are some problems in the regulation of the procedure of the urgent investigative actions when examining a report of a crime.

A number of issues of proper regulatory control of the institution of the urgent investigative actions particularly related to the fact that the legislative body, formulating the applicable regulations, generally highlights that they are conducted by the investigation authorities and, in this connection, the opinion emerges about the failure to conduct the urgent investigative actions in the situation when a crime out of its jurisdiction is identified by an investigation officer. It may be related as well to the fact that when forming the concept of “urgent investigative actions”, the legislative body does not consider such procedural actions in which procedure at the initial stage of an investigation, the urgent need arises, for example, to detain a suspect.

In this connection, the authors prove the suggestions to introduce the amendments to the Code of Criminal Procedure of Russia aimed at the elimination of the existing contradictions and ambiguities in the regulation of the urgent investigative actions institution.

Jus strictum. 2018;(4):15-20
pages 15-20 views


Kasatkin S.N.


This paper deals with a philosophical explication of judicial discretion in the dispute between Herbert Hart and Ronald Dworkin, basic for the Anglo-American legal philosophy. Treating law as a system of rules, H. Hart emphasizes their “open texture” rooted in language, when, along with clear cases of use of legal terms and rules, there are borderline, problematic cases that require a judicial choice from existing alternatives, i.e. a discretion. H. Hart also conceives a moderate discretion as a means of ensuring flexibility and rationality of legal regulation, as well as the weighted solution of legal issues in accordance with social goals and values. This doctrine is contested by R. Dworkin as an inadequate description of a legal system and the delegitimation of the institution of law, which allows backdating of rights and obligations carried out by officials not elected democratically. According to the critic, the discretion is neither inevitable nor desirable. He proposes a model of law as an interpretative enterprise that includes various standards, primarily principles that ensure the proper application of rules and completeness of regulation. Being bound by his institutional debt and the best theory of the valid law, a judge always has sufficient reasons for a decision: for finding the unique right answer to any legal question.

The topicality of addressing this dispute is conditioned by the specificity (novelty) of its content and arguments as compared with similar positions in domestic Russian literature, discussing a number of important aspects of judicial discretion that are of theoretical and practical importance. The paper presents an overview of the main positions of dispute parties as well as of some of its results. In particular, the article emphasizes the significance of the debate for changing the structure of philosophical positions regarding judicial discretion, and the important role of R. Dworkin’s arguments in the ideological and methodological transformation of contemporary Anglo-American philosophy of law.

Jus strictum. 2018;(4):21-27
pages 21-27 views


Ruzanov I.V.


The paper considers the issue of constitutional and legal objectives for the allowance of competitiveness of labor rights of the Russian citizens and migrants. It is stated that under the general rule, by virtue of mandatory requirements of the Constitution, the Russian citizens and foreign persons are equal in legal status. The exceptions are possible in respect to the political rights only. However, the analysis of Russian legislation shows that the economic rights slightly related to the specificity of interrelations of the state and a citizen become often an object of limitation. The specified circumstance requires the development of methodological tools allowing estimating the reasonability of limitation in each individual case. The task set is solved with the help of theoretical approaches accepted within the discipline “Economic analysis of law”. When analyzing any conflict of interests, it is necessary to understand clearly the whole volume of social values standing behind each of them. From this point of view, that which seems to be the limitation of labor rights of citizens of foreign states may actually prove to be the limitation of a wide range of legal interests of the Russian citizens. Thus, when solving the issue of the limitation of economic rights of foreign citizens in favor of the Russians, it is necessary to take into account both the economic aspects themselves and the wide range of other values.

As a whole, the paper states that the differences in the volume of rights of the Russians and foreign citizens are an exception and not a rule and, evidently the migration legislation of the Russian Federation should be lightened.

Jus strictum. 2018;(4):28-32
pages 28-32 views


Stankin A.N.


The paper analyzes the principle of separation of powers as an integral feature of a modern democratic rule-of-law state regardless of the form of government. It is highlighted that this principle has its features in each state depending on its historical, religious, ethnic, and other peculiarities. The author draws attention to the fact that the principle of separation of powers, in its traditional understanding, supposing the separation of state power in the legislative, executive and judicial powers underwent modifications to a large extent. Non-traditional state authorities appeared that fit in neither of the branches of traditional state power triad, for example, the RF Central Elections Commission, Bank of Russia, Ombudsman in the RF, Presidential Executive Office, Prosecution Office, Russian Investigative Committee, etc. In the constitutional-legal science, the approach emerged, according to which the principle of separation of powers is completely applicable at the level of local self-government.

The author highlights that the principle of separation of powers does not mean their isolation but, on the contrary, supposes their active interaction. The author emphasizes the inadmissibility of interference of powers in the jurisdiction of each other. The paper draws attention to the definite contradiction of the Articles 10 and 11 of the RF Constitution. The author defends the opinion of the researchers standing for the necessity to eliminate such discrepancies. The role of the President of the Russian Federation in the system of separation of powers is considered. In particular, the author says that the President of Russia has rather large powers in relation to all traditional branches of power: legislative, executive, and judicial. Furthermore, the head of the state has the most impact on the executive power. The author analyzes the opinion of some researchers and politicians about the consideration of the Russian Federations as a presidential republic.

Jus strictum. 2018;(4):33-37
pages 33-37 views